Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Jeremy Lin's visit to Taiwan to conceal his excitement ho God fans responsive

Jeremy Lin is scheduled five o'clock that morning, arrived at the Taoyuan International Airport, this time back to Taiwan will be the fans, the trip not be disrupted by the typhoon, Ho boy, half past six that night will be coming out the Hsimenting downtown area and the lucky fans close interaction, 7:30 will three hundred fans in the Hsimenting movie park to spend night in basketball the day fly LinShuHao updated his Facebook status, and put the life of the film after the end of the NBA season, he wrote: Sorry to disappear for so long, I went back to YouTube (video sharing website)! This is my latest video, season outer life bit by bit. now ready to go to Asia, Hello! the last one he specifically wrote in Chinese, I am glad to see you again!

Ho God will fan responsive

August 4, 2012, Taipei, Let us welcome Jeremy Lin! Host ho boy arrived at the shoe store scene, this is his first public event in Asia, the scene seems to welcome the man of God-class players playing, hundreds of onlookers with the fans screaming, cheering, shouting: Lin, books, ho. Jeremy Lin a casual dress to attend the shy smiling response, he said in Mandarin: Thank you to see me!

Saturday Hsimenting street influx of a considerable crowd, our goal is the only one to look at Jeremy Lin. When LinShuHao a station on the middle of the stage, the crowd almost everybody owns a camera, smart phone, and even tablet PCs, flash one after another, the star with his favorite activities: six from the Eden Social Welfare Foundation children interact to accomplish their wish. They loved it, Jeremy Lin, the wish of one of them and Jeremy Lin together nerds cheer gestures, also became a smaller size, Firth and Jeremy Lin clap. But he was too nervous to shivering, Lin quickly touch his head to appease his mood the other children wish to ask for a big hug, he timidly toward Jeremy Lin did not think ho boy with both hands stretched out, like little child and hold in arms LinShuHao that this came back to Taiwan to see so many fans, the experience is very different from the past return to Taiwan, he said: Hello, everybody crazy! but he was like the crazy, thank you so support I, we support the next season will be a good fight!

This sponsor activities, Lin Hao, also took up his favorite shoes, playing on stage, in which a new shoe on top of his zodiac dragon pattern printed with the word ho on the tongue. Jeremy Lin subsequently selected three lucky fans, answer the simple question, ho kid's signature shoe, which a little boy personally handed him a homemade card, Lin Hao, looked quite happy, thank the little boy affectionately site host asked to the fans will support the Rockets, the audience loud response: The support of the fans LinShuHao exposed happy smile, he hoped that the next quarter, the fans continue to support him before the end of the event, he added: extremely grateful to everyone Your support is of great significance for me to be here in my parents' hometown in Taiwan, to see so crazy to support the basketball, and attend activities, I sincerely appreciate.

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