Monday, August 20, 2012

Pana Gio debut defeat owned by CBA appears Lakers help

City Herald reported that on October 31, CBA preseason Zhuji race war, the Shanghai team grips with the Guangdong team, and ultimately to 66 than 80 lost to defending champions Guangdong team. The pana Gio, the new head coach, also ushered in the first defeat since he took office. Look the Pana Gio luck is not good, his first race he ran last season, the defending champion. Negative reading is not surprising, but apparently the Pana Giovanni after the game and not too happy people to realize that this is the first official game, to say that it certainly can not say, after all, lost the game. I am still not satisfied. After the game, the new coach said Pana Gio. Pana Gio's debut is indeed some difficulty, prior to grips with the Guangdong team, Pana Gio said, want to play against tonight is the championship team, but also to understand the opponent's powerful, but he does not want to his players before the game they throw in the towel. But this is our first step, we can understand, now we need to spend some time.

In fact, after the game, the Guangdong team members have already left, but the door of the Shanghai team lounge was closed for a quarter of an hour. Hurry and shake hands after the other coach, Pana Gio has chosen a reversal of the lounge, players who have come after he began his speech. Compared to Hua Germany, Pana Gio's words more gentle, but the lounge door, or can be clearly heard from time to time to improve decibel shouting CBA foreign aid a few years ago, Rocket Gang this year, Nuggets help, but the coaches never before appeared the Lakers to help. Pana Gio, men's basketball head coach of Shanghai, Zhejiang Guangsha coach Clemens and adviser to the Shanghai team Rambis, former assistant coach of the Lakers, have advised the Zen master Phil Jackson The Pana Gio said, the evening of October 31, three of them met, and dined, but I eat Chinese food and Rambis, Clemens to eat fried chicken and French fries.

This year, throughout the summer, the three of us did not come across, especially with the Pana Gio, we have not seen for two years, Clemens said, The three of us can get together in China, I am glad, too fun, and everyone says I did not expect. Rambis said, if the NBA continues to shut down his time in Shanghai will be longer, so the three of them there have to talk to help the Lakers have to talk about the triangle offense . It is understood that Phil Jackson Ha, Clemens is the front-ranking assistant coach Kurt Rambis was once a defensive coach, Pana Gio tactical analysis of the coach. A reporter asked Clemens, Why do not mansions team to teach the triangle offense, Clemens replied: I only signed with Zhejiang Guangsha team one year, the Pana Gio with the Shanghai team signed a four-year, so he have enough time to instill the triangle offense.

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