Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Story with Forbes Top 10 brand value of team

Forbes purely YY, product brand value, value to the team, but said the team's brand value really is not so specific, a brand value of the James in Cleveland, Cleveland, not James Knight, Cleveland fart is not domestic the team name of the basketball team every year, although CBA is relatively bad, but the other hand, the team's name is not worth the money, the only team who only valuable

Who quantified the value must have exchange value, the team name is basically no exchange value, so the team name value is priceless, but to quantify the basic the YY domestic basketball team team name changes every year, although the CBA comparison bad, but the other hand, the team's name is not worth the money, only the team who was worth

Who quantified the value must have exchange value, the team name is basically no exchange value, so the team name value is priceless, but to quantify the basic YY. The team name how will be of no value, just the opposite, the value is great. Whether it is exchange value or a value in itself first of all, you have to say some CBA teams name in mid-changing (in fact, a few years a change, because the contract can not only sign for one year), which is the value of the expression. No value who will give you the title Second, the team name itself, is the calendar year record of city impact, visibility, and so the total embodiment of players constitute. This in itself is the value, of course, value is difficult to specifically quantify settled. Indeed. Forbes, after all, the accounting statistics expert, can be considered outrageous than our general valuation to be accurate. Is not what you see NBA teams on this list does not think that it miscalculated the Forbes purely YY products can have a brand value value to the team, but said the team's brand value is really not that specific. James Knight, Cleveland there is brand value, not James Knight, Cleveland fart is not the team name of the domestic basketball team changes every year, although CBA is relatively bad, but the other hand, the team's name is not worth the money, only team who was worth

Who quantified the value must have exchange value, the team name is basically no exchange value, so the team name value is priceless, but to quantify the basic YY.

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